Average weight of 11 year old

The average weight of an 11 year old is 80 pounds. Boys at 11 are just slightly less than 80 pounds (79.9) and girls are just slightly heavier (80.1) and assuming nearly equal numbers of boys and girls this averages out to 80 pounds or roughly 36.3 kilograms.
  • Average weight of a 11 year old boy is about 79.9 pounds or 36.2 kgs
  • Average weight of a 11 year old girl is roughly 80.1 pounds or 36.4 kgs.
  • Average height for a 11 year old boy: 56.75 inches or 144 cms. 57 inches is 4 feet and 8.75 inches tall.
  • Average height for a 11 year old girl: 56.75 inches or 144 centimeters. Just like the 11 year old boys, the 11 year old girls are also 4' 8.75" on average.
Heights are boys and girls at age 11 are basically identical. Obviously there will be some outliers and some will be exceptionally short while others will be really tall. These early indicators are not necessarily predictors of where all of these children will fall on the fall on the chart once they're fully matured.

For further reading about children of similar ages take a look at:

Click on either chart below to enlarge:

Height Weight Chart for 11 Year Old Girls
Avg. weight of an 11 yr old girl chart. This is also a graph of the normal height of an 11 year old female.
Height Weight Chart for 11 Year Old Boys
Normal weight of an 11 year old boy chart and graph of the height of an average 11 year old male.